коаліційне угруповання військ
Commander Task Force / Commander, Task Force (CTF)
task organization (TASKORG, TASK ORG) / task organisation
coalition force
coalition maritime force (CMF)
air force task force
coalition operation
coalition strategy
coalition support
coalition warfare
military coalition
Coalition of the willing
air-land task force
Amphibious Task Force (ATF)
amphibious task force
armored task force
battalion tactical group (BTG) / task force
civil-military task force
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF)
Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF)
company task force
Crisis Management Task Force (CMTF)
Deployable Joint Task Force (DJTF)
International Police Task Force
joint special operations task force (JSOTF)
joint task force (JTF)
naval task force
Security Cooperation Reform Task Force
SOF task force
task force (TF)
Task Force Endeavour
UN-led International Police Task Force