довідник з питань використання цивільного персоналу
instruction pamphlet / instructional pamphlet
civilian personnel
temporary civilian personnel
Air Force communications security pamphlet
Air Force Logistic Command Pamphlet
Air Force pamphlet
Air Force systems command pamphlet
Allied Communications Pamphlet
Allied Exercise pamphlet
Arms Training pamphlet
DA pamphlet
Department of the Army Pamphlet
materiel test procedure pamphlet
military training pamphlet
ordnance corps pamphlet
ordnance pamphlet
preliminary information pamphlet
promotion pamphlet
recruiting pamphlet
Tactical Air Command pamphlet
technical pamphlet
weather wing pamphlet
pamphlet raid
servicing personnel / maintenance personnel
Armed Forces civilian
civilian activities
civilian agencies
civilian authorities
civilian casualties
civilian clothing
civilian element (peacekeeping)