радіоканал; (мор.) звуковий тракт
single-channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radio
emergency radio channel
radio-frequency channel
radio intercommunication channel
radio channel
Choose the correct ‘Channel Map’ for your radio
radio pouch, PRR pouch / personal role radio pouch
radio rucksack, radio carrier rucksack
radio-radar; radio/radar
channel of command
channel routes
drainage channel
duplex / two-way channel
fixed frequency channel
half-duplex channel
searched channel
simplex channel
quick-fire channel
beam channel
in the period in which the communications channel has been open
fire channel
fire-support channel
information collection channel
nonnuclear fire request channel
nuclear fire request channel
reconnaissance fire channel
converging channel
diverging channel
control channel
adjacent channel
audio channel
audio-frequency channel