засоби першої допомоги при ураженні ХБР-зброєю
CBR first-aid measures
first fire mixture / first-fire mixture
first aid facility
first aid kit
first-aid skills
individual first-aid kit (IFAK)
tactical first aid kit
medical kit / med kit / medi kit / first aid kit
medical pouch, med pouch, medi pouch, first aid pouch, medical pack
first aid post
first-aid equipment
gas casualty first aid kit
administer first aid
gas casualty first aid bag
CBR protective and decontaminating equipment and supplies
navigational aid (NAVAIDs); aid to navigation (ATON)
junction aid (obstruction aid)
obstruction aid (junction aid)
CBR self-aid kit
credible first strike capability
first echelon maintenance
first echelon medical equipment maintenance
first hand information
first impression report (FIR) (post exercise)
first lieutenant = (брит.) lieutenant
first light
first responder (emergencies)
first response
first response unit
First Sergeant (1SGT)
first watch
first-line reserve