цілик, розміщений у руків’ї (гвинтівки тощо)
carrying handle
carrying handle sleeve
handle assembly
side-handle baton
bolt handle spring retaining pin
charging handle
aiming handle
elevating clamp handle
elevating gear operating handle
elevating handle
gun elevating wheel handle
bolt handle
bolt handle pin
catch handle rod
cocking handle
crank handle (of a machine gun)
crank starting handle
cross-leveling screw handle
handle of breech mechanism lever
fixed handle
handle ammunition
winch handle
lock handle
handle rations
front sight (fore / muzzle sight)
sight, to take a (careful) sight
day-sight (day sight)
modular integrated display and sight helmet (Modular Integrated Display-And-Sight Helmet)
aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser
ammunition-carrying capacity
bulk fuel carrying vehicle (BFCV)