капсульний револьвер
side cap; garrison / flight cap (US); wedge cap (Canada); field service cap (UK)
single-action revolver
cylinder axis (of a revolver)
revolver gun
automatic double cycle revolver-type rifle
double-action revolver
hinge-action revolver
hinged frame-type revolver
ball-and-socket bearing
ball-and-socket hinge
ball-and-socket joint
ball-and-socket support
ball-and-spigot joint
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
armor piercing high explosive with (a blunt nose and) a ballistic cap
ball joint
ball socket
paint ball gun
rounds of ball cartridges
rubber-ball grenade
rubber-ball round
angular ball bearing
angular contact ball bearing
annular double-row ball bearing
annular single-row ball bearing
annular single-row shielded ball bearing
ball bullet
ball check valve
ball cock
ball coupling
ball guide