змішана артилерійсько-ракетна бригада
fire and forget missile / fire-and-forget missile (FFM)
air-defense missile brigade
missile brigade
cannon battalion command and control system
Force Battle Command Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2)
volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nevsky Squad)
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
anti-aircraft cannon
artillery piece (cannon)
cannon artillery
cannon fodder
cannon round
heavy cannon
light caliber cannon
light cannon
medium cannon
self-propelled cannon
stabilized automatic cannon
very heavy cannon
water cannon
cannon-launched guided projectile (CLGP)
gun (cannon) sight scale
main gun (cannon) number
cannon tube
air cannon
atomic cannon
cannon barreled pistol
cannon fire
cannon transport wagon
within cannon shot