запальний отвір
through-hole, pin-in-hole
bush fuze house
distance bush
valve rocker lever bush
feed-pawl holder (of quick-firing ordnance)
breech casing (of quick-firing ordnance)
Ordnance Quick Firing 6-pounder / QF6-pounder / six-pounder
firing point / firing pin
firing position / firing attitude
firing limit / firing cycles limit
down-hole hammer
fighting hole
fill a hole (in the front)
flood hole
hole in (розм.)
punch / smash / tear a hole (in the defenses)
shaped hole
shell crater / hole
fire in the hole!
trunnion hole
trunnion-pin hole
blade pivot hole
bullet-hole gauge
crankpin hole
well hole of receiver
filling hole
interlock hole
flash hole
funnel-shaped hole
fuze-hole plug