поповнювати запаси до встановленої норми
bring the unit up to the scale allowed
tip the scale allowed
azimuth-scale index / azimuth scale index
bring a ship into harbour
bring a gun into firing position
bring back fire
bring fire to bear
bring in a gun to fire
bring the broadside to bear
bring the guns to bear
bring the tanks up
bring up
bring from retired to аctive
bring into action
bring to action
bring on retaliation
bring into combat
bring down fire
bring in fire
bring under fire
bring the war to a speedy end
bring to the brink of war
BYOB (bring your own bottle / booze / beer)
bring your own liquor (BYOL)
bar scale
battle scale of ammunition
Celsius scale
coordinate scale
economy of scale
Fahrenheit scale
full-scale war