командир (командувач) військами (силами) 'синіх' (на навчаннях)
blue on blue
blue forces
blue helmets (UN)
bolt-from-the-blue attack
blue discharge
Blue Force tracking
blue print
red, green, blue (RGB)
RGB color model (red, green, blue)
light blue
Commander Task Force / Commander, Task Force (CTF)
aide (to the commander)
air defense commander (ADC)
air defense zone commander
allied commander
amphibious commander
area air defense commander (AADC)
army group commander
Assistant On-Site Commander (ASS OSC)
Combatant Commander (CCDR)
commander (CDR, comdr)
commander decision-making
commander’s concept
commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR)
commander’s cupola
commander’s estimate
commander’s independent thermal viewer (CITV)
commander’s intent
commander’s intent and concept
commander’s moral obligations
commander’s required date (CRD)