сполучний матеріал / сполучна речовина
active material; fissile material
binding post
self-binding system
binding act
binding phrase
Binding phrase setup
Custom binding phrase
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
anti-personnel-anti-material projectile
bridge demolition material
camouflage material
carbon-composite material
destroy material (values)
disruptive pattern material (DPM)/(амер. BDU)
explosive material
fissile material
Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT)
fissionable material
incendiary material
items of (material) support
lightweight material
material control officer
material management center (MMC)
material release order (MRO)
material requirement list
material requirements planning (MRP)
material resources
military material management
radar absorbent material
radioactive material
resistant material