кутник масловідвідної трубки корінного підшипника
oil system pipe
African Union / United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID)
European Defense Community / Union (EDU)
Forces Answerable to the Western Europen Union (FAWEU)
union joint
filter union
hose union
inlet union
European Union’s Naval Force (EUNAVFOR)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
engine oil reservoir / engine oil tank
oil gauge / oil-gauge
bearing cap oil seal remover
bearing sleeve guide oil seal
bearing-oil interface
wind relative bearing / wind-relative bearing
pipe bomb
pipe fittings
crossover pipe
extinguishing pipe
scavenger pipe
pipe mine
purge pipe
air balance pipe
aspiring pipe
brake pipe
carburetor hot water pipe
connection pipe leading
water pipe connection
delivery pipe
vent pipe
equalizing pipe