Базові/Акро коефіцієнти (стосується дронів)
basic allowance for housing (BAH) (застар. - basic allowance for quarters BAQ)
acrobatic mode (ACRO mode)
fly in acro mode
dud rates
rates of fire
quiet field force conspectus rates
wire line construction rates
winter rates of issue
rates of pilotage
capture rates
Changing rates type
Play with the rates and see how those affect the stick curve
Rates and Expo
rates curve
Rates Preview
Rates Type
Rates type change
change the rates type
very high rates can result in desyncs from rapid decelerations
your rates will be set to a default curve
airman basic
army basic combat training
basic branch
basic combat training
basic course
basic cycle
basic intelligence
basic load
basic load of supplies
basic military skills