(мор.) застосування рушія поперечної дії (пропелера) для маневрування
casting (see Back and Fill)
back-to-back circuit
back-to-back connection
back-to-back radio stations
back-to-back relay
explosive fill / load / charge
fill / plug the gap
fill a hole (in the front)
fill out units
fill a vehicle with fuel / water
fill by gravity
fill by syphon
fill up
fill pot
fill trim actuator
fill up (fuel)
fill the can
fill tires
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
short back and sides
back-up fire control
back-up system
cut back co-operation
I read back
play back kit
pull back
push back
read back
reverse engineering ( back- wards engineering)
Camel-back water pouch
Field Pack, Air Support Back