уникнути осколків
airborne based sense and avoid (ABSAA)
ground-based sense and avoid (GBSAA)
see and avoid method
sense and avoid (SaA)
avoid collision
detect and avoid (D&A / DAA)
sense and avoid
avoid contact with hostile forces
bounding fragmentation
fragmentation bomb
fragmentation grenade
fragmentation shell
high explosive fragmentation shell
high-explosive fragmentation projectile / shell (HEF)
AP [anti-personnel] grenade pouch / frag [fragmentation] grenade pouch / HE grenade pouch
secondary fragmentation
mass-focus / fragmentation submunition
fragmentation mine
ground blast fragmentation mine
effective fragmentation radius
fragmentation hand grenade
high-explosive fragmentation bomb
impact fragmentation rifle grenade
parachute fragmentation bomb
area fragmentation ammunition
directional fragmentation mine
fragmentation/HEAT grenade launcher round
high explosive - fragmentation (HE-FRAG)
high explosive - fragmentation warhead