зона можливих точок посадки
ground area attainable
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
battle-ground / battle ground / battleground
Ground Observer 12 (GO 12 Ground Surveillance Radar, нім. Bodenüberwachungsradar)
vantage ground / vantage-ground
ground-to-ground guided missile
ground-to-ground rocket
ground/air communications / ground-air communication
beaten ground area
base area defense ground environment
forward area ground control
ground area
ground defense area
ground fuel storage area
ground hazard area
ground local area network
ground training area
ground zero area
normal ground training area
Pacific Area Ground Environment Electronic Installation Agency
residual ground forces in the area
atomic killing area (ground)
area of war/war area
potential danger area (trouble area)
hazard area / hazardous area
killing area / kill area
open area danger area
air defense ground environment
air-ground operations system
air-ground support
air-ground surveillance capability (AGS)
air-to-ground communications equipment