підступи до смуги оборони; ймовірні напрямки руху військ, що наступають
avenues of approach
major avenues of approach
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
avenues of approach within the hostile positions
avenues of promotion
intercept avenues
interdict approach avenues
top-attack (top attack; top-down attack )
drone swarm attack / drone swarming attack
air attack
attack aircraft (atk acft, A)
attack aircraft carrier
attack aviation
attack center
attack force
attack formation
attack group
attack helicopter (atk hel)
attack helicopter troop
attack plan
attack plane
attack position
attack problem
attack skiff (assault skiff)
attack submarine (SSN)
banzai attack
biological attack
blanket attack
bolt-from-the-blue attack
bomb attack
close combat attack (CCA)
combined attack