радіоактивні опади, випадання радіоактивних опадів (ядерного вибуху)
atomic fallout predictor
delayed fallout
fallout monitoring station
fallout prediction drone
fallout survey plan
nuclear fallout
radioactive fallout
upper air fallout
area of military significant fallout
militarily significant fallout
military significant fallout
activity fallout pattern
arrival time of fallout
onset of fallout
world fallout
idealized fallout pattern
early fallout
close-in fallout
radiation fallout
radioactive fallout contamination
radiological fallout
radiological fallout intelligence
radiological fallout predictor
radiological fallout situation
area of militarily significant fallout
atomic / nuclear weapons
atomic bomb (A-bomb)
atomic control
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
atomic demolitions munitions company (ADM co)