радіоактивний пил, радіоактивні продукти ядерного вибуху (що випадають у вигляді пилу)
dust filter / dust shield, particle filter
dust shield / dust filter, particle filter
particle filter / dust shield, dust filter
dust cap
radioactive dust
drive flange dust shield replacer
dust cap oil seal
grind to the dust
blowing dust
drifting dust
dust devil
dust filter inlet duct
dust haze
dust particle
dust storm / duststorm
dust whirl
space dust
thick dust
phoney troop movement dust cloud
choking dust
dust cover
atomic / nuclear weapons
atomic bomb (A-bomb)
atomic control
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
atomic demolitions munitions company (ADM co)
atomic explosion
atomic heat
atomic pile
atomic protection
atomic shelter