рух бронетанкових військ
move in single/in Indian file
notice to move (NTM)
order to move
refueling on the move (ROM)
unit ready to move and fight
on move!
move into action
move in for the kill
wide sweep move
truck move
mobile battle command on the move
move up to one’s shoulder
move out а command post
code for the move
on the move (OTM)
rail move
c'mon, admire yourself later, get a move on!
move on the battlefield
move out
move-in housing allowance (MIHA)
Check that the Roll, Pitch and other bar graphs move correctly
armored airborne assault vehicle
armored carrier
armored cavalry (assault) vehicle
armored cavalry
armored cavalry regiment (ACR)
armored cavalry squadron (ACS)
armored cavalry troop
armored cavalry unit
armored column / convoy
armored combat earthmover (ACE)
armored combat load compartment