протитанкова артилерійська батарея
airlanding antitank battery
antitank battery
launching battery (missile battery)
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
antitank artillery
antitank artillery battalion
antitank artillery missile
antitank artillery system
field artillery antitank regiment
main artillery (major caliber artillery)
artillery and rocket artillery
antitank bomb cluster
antitank defense
antitank hedgehog
antitank mine
antitank minefield
antitank obstacle
antitank platoon
antitank protection
antitank weapon systems
high explosive antitank and antipersonnel head
high explosive antitank head
high explosive antitank projectile (HEAT proj)
high explosive antitank rocket (HEAT rkt)
high explosive antitank rocket launcher
high-explosive antitank (HEAT)
hollow charge antitank hand grenade
multipurpose antitank projectile (MPAT proj)
TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) antitank missile weapon system
antitank density
antitank missile system (ATMS)
carried antitank missile system (ATMS)