antiaircraft artillery and guided missile center
центр зенітної артилерії та керованих реактивних снарядів
центр зенітної артилерії та керованих реактивних снарядів
antiaircraft artillery operations center
antiaircraft artillery training center
antiaircraft artillery missile battalion
Army ordnance center for rockets and guided missiles
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
antiaircraft artillery intelligence service
antiaircraft artillery visual cueing system
antiaircraft artillery automatic weapons
Antiaircraft Artillery Command
antiaircraft artillery firing range
antiaircraft missile battalion
field artillery reserve and training center
artillery and rocket artillery
highly accurate field artillery guided missiles
missile forces and artillery combat duty
missile forces and artillery combat staff
missile forces and artillery control system
missile forces and artillery firing capabilities
artillery and missile fire control survey by stereophotogrammetric methods
site survey for missile and artillery units