тактика дій проти засідок
antijamming techniques
battle techniques
counter-interrogation techniques
disposal techniques
electronic techniques
field movement techniques
mine warfare techniques
reconnaissance techniques
search techniques
survival techniques
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)
wargaming methods / techniques (belt, avenue in depth, box, belt-in-time)
Army techniques publication (ATP)
Army tactics, techniques, and procedures (ATTP)
use counter-intelligence program techniques
infiltration techniques
intelligence sources and techniques
application of space techniques relating to aviation
group on microwave theory and techniques
professional group on microwave theory and techniques
scaling techniques
bacterial automated identification techniques (BAIT)
anti-personnel-anti-material projectile
AV/AT mines (anti-vehicle / anti-tank mines)
ambush detection device
ambush patrol
antiarmor ambush
blockade ambush
fire ambush
hasty ambush