щорічні збори (особового складу запасу) для проходження польової підготовки
annual active duty (for) training
live-fire training (field-fire training)
annual appropriations
Annual defenseReview (ADR)
annual defense expenditures
annual mileage
average annual mileage
annual bounty
Intelligence Community Annual Threat Assessment
annual inspection
annual camp
annual combat unit test
annual efficiency index
annual food plan
annual general inspection
annual qualification
annual requisition
semi-annual test
annual practice
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
combat field pack, field pack
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
combination field and field-off duty uniform
field training
field training exercise (FTX)
field artillery reserve and training center
field artillery training camp
field level training
combined command post and field training exercise
command post and field training exercise
acoustic field
antiamphibious minefield (anti-amphibious mine field)