член екіпажу плаваючого танка (бронетранспортера)
armor crewman
rocket crewman номер
weapons crewman
vehicle crewman
launcher crewman
fire-control crewman
flash-ranging crewman
armor and amphibious operation
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor kill / armor killing area
airborne and amphibious operation
airborne/ amphibious assault force
airborne/ amphibious operation
amphibious aircraft
amphibious assault
amphibious assault area
amphibious assault force
amphibious assault force landing area
amphibious assault ship (LHA)
amphibious assault vehicle
amphibious cargo ship
amphibious command ship (LCC)
amphibious commander
amphibious landing
amphibious landing vehicle
amphibious objective area (AOA)
amphibious operation
Amphibious Ready Group (ARG)
amphibious ship
amphibious soldier
Amphibious Task Force (ATF)