місце на корпусі снаряда, де нанесено ваговий знак
combat-loaded weight / combat loaded weight
weight to correct weight
basic weight / dry weight
basic weight plus fuel / wet weight
dry weight / basic weight
wet weight / basic weight plus fuel
maximum take-off weight / maximum takeoff weight (MTOW)
heavy-weight torpedo / heavy weight torpedo (HWT)
weight zone mark
weight-zone marking
weight zone
ammunition weight
grid zone / grid-zone
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
killing zone / kill zone
grid zone designation / Grid Zone Designator
grey-zone / grey zone (international relations)
hundred-per-cent zone (one-hundred-per-cent zone)
no-fire zone / no fire zone
flight restriction zone / flight restricted zone (FRZ)
zone ammunition
aircraft weight capacity
balance weight
barrel weight
combat weight
estimated weight
gross weight
power-to-weight ratio
size, weight, power and cooling (SWaP-C)
takeoff weight
thrust-to-weight ratio