зарядні ящики гармати; ешелон (ланка) боєживлення
echelon-to-echelon communications system
echelon establishment of ammunition
assault echelon
attack echelon
attacking echelon
brigades in echelon
echelon above corps (EAC)
echelon attack
echelon left / right formation
first echelon maintenance
first echelon medical equipment maintenance
follow-on echelon
followup echelon
headquarters echelon
headquarters rear echelon net
higher echelon
logistics (supporting) echelon
rear echelon
reserve echelon
security echelon
tactical echelon
A1 echelon
A2 echelon
echelon above brigade (EAB)
echelon corps and below (ECB)
REMF (rear echelon mother figure)
battery echelon
fuze echelon
brigade echelon area
enveloping echelon
forward echelon
echelon formation