відпуск забезпечення натурою (про предмети постачання)
basic allowance for housing (BAH) (застар. - basic allowance for quarters BAQ)
payment in kind
ration in kind
voluntary contributions in kind (budgeted)
in-kind contribution
performance in kind
rationsin kind
allowance of food
combat allowance
daily allowance
fuel allowance
house allowance
issue allowance
prescribed allowance
quarters allowance
table of distribution and allowance
variable housing allowance (VHA)
ammunition allowance
money allowance
tentative allowance list
tentative unit allowance list
allowance for safety
allowance for target movement
advance travel allowance
Queen's allowance
aiming-off allowance
wind allowance
allowance for dispersion
allowance for wind
allowance in lieu of rations
allowance list
allowance of ammunition