Air Force Weapons System Development Center
центр розроблення систем озброєння ВПС
центр розроблення систем озброєння ВПС
Air Force Missile Development Center
Air Force weapons system / AF weapon system
Marine Corps Landing Force Development Center
weapons system development plan
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
Air Force weapons effectiveness instrumentations system
United States Air Force / US Air Force (USAF)
Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) / Japanese Air Force
surface-to-air missile operations center / SAM operations center (SAMOC)
biological weapons (bacteriological weapons)
less-lethal weapons (less-than-lethal weapons)
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
weapons systems management center
air-delivered cluster weapons system
Air Defense Research and Development Establishment
Joint Information Operations Center /Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC)
French Center Recherche Sur Le Renseignement / French Center for Intelligence Research (Cf2r / CF2R)