повітряна команда регулювання руху (напр. наземних військ)
unmanned aerial system traffic management (UTM)
canine team (K-9) (dog team)
aerobatic team / aerobatics team
aerial demonstration team
aerial hunter-killer team
air traffic control centre
air traffic control operator
air traffic control procedures
air traffic control radar
air traffic control service
division traffic control headquarters
traffic control measures
traffic control police
traffic control post
traffic control security company
traffic control plan
air traffic control communications system
Chief of Air Traffic Control Operations
highway traffic control
highway traffic control post
air traffic control instructions
aerodrome air traffic control
centralized traffic control office
air traffic control (ATC)
Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee
air traffic control automation panel
airway traffic control area
traffic control office
air traffic control
air traffic control system for drones
traffic monitoring and control
air control team