advanced unmanned search system
вдосконалена безпілотна пошукова система
вдосконалена безпілотна пошукова система
advanced far infrared search/track
advanced development unmanned undersea vehicle
advanced unmanned aerial vehicle
Unmanned Aerial System / Uncrewed Aircraf System (UAS)
NASAMS (Norwegian / National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System)
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
light advanced antitank weapon system
advanced manned precision strike system
joint precision advanced strike system
advanced heavy anti-tank missile system
Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System (iMUGS)
nano-unmanned aerial system (nUAS)
small tactical unmanned aircraft system (STUAS)
Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike System (UCLASS)
airborne manned / unmanned system teaming