активна система заборони
denial system
mobility denial system
anti-access and area denial (A2/AD)
area denial operation
denial measure
denial operations
sea denial
area denial artillery munition (ADAM)
air denial
Airfield Denial
denial of air operations (over the battlefield)
denial of determent of call-up
anti-access and area denial
partial-denial operation(s)
anti-access/area denial (A2AD)
active infrared (IR) guidance system
semi-active homing guidance system
active blade-tip clearance control system
active emitter target auxiliary system
active guidance system
active homing system
fire extinguishing system sprinkler system and fire alarm system
active camouflage
active combat area
active component
active component headquarters
active counterintelligence measures
active countermeasures
active deception measures
active decontamination
active defenses
active layered theatre (ballistic) missile defense (ALTBMD)