бронепробивна здатність
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor piercing (ap)
armor-piercing ammunition
armor-piercing incendiary api
armor-piercing warhead
high velocity armor piercing (HVAP)
AP composite shot (armor-piercing)
armor-piercing ability
armor-piercing capped incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing cartridge
armor-piercing composite shot
armor-piercing effect
armor-piercing incendiary bullet with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary bullet
armor-piercing incendiary round
armor-piercing incendiary shell with tracer
armor-piercing incendiary tracer shell
armor-piercing sub-caliber round
armor-piercing tracer shot
armor-piercing tracer
high-velocity armor-piercing shell
hypervelocity armor piercing projectile
high-explosive armor-piercing shell
AP flechette (armor-piercing)
HVAP flechette (high velocity armor piercing)
armor-piercing bomb
armor-piercing bullet
armor-piercing capped round
armor-piercing core
armor-piercing gun
armor-piercing projectile