працювати на холостому ходу
fire over open sights (fire over sights)
aircraft over the objective area phase
end of message over/out
go over the hill
high frequency over-the-horizon (HF OTH) radar
keel over
logistical over-the-shore equipment
logistics over the shore
moral ascendancy (over the enemy)
over-the-horizon forces
over-the-horizon ground-based radar
over-the-horizon range
peak (over)pressure
take over a mission
time over target (TOT)
take / regain control over
denial of air operations (over the battlefield)
discharge over undeveloped beaches
pass over a waypoint
over-water photo reconnaissance operations
begin handing over data
cab-over-engine truck
capacity over the prescribed load
change over from travelling to fire position
change-over period
crawling over crossings
fire over (open) sights
go over to direct liaison
hold over / under
flow over
over-wing access ladder
over-wing fueling